Friday, February 11, 2005

Fakes and Frauds

The whole business about Ward Churchill being a fake Indian reminds me of the fake Vietnam War veterans, or at least one that I knew.
The fellow was in the Air Force Reserve with me, and I frequently heard him complain about being exposed to Agent Orange. One day after one his tales of woe due to Agent Orange, I decided to learn more about his case.
Question: Who did he serve with in Vietnam?
Answer: Marines
Question: Where did he serve with the Marines?
Answer: Marble Mountain.
Question: What did he do with the Marines?
Answer: Accounting clerk.

Conclusion: Chances of him being exposed to Agent Orange were remote, if not impossible. I was in Vietnam and know Marble Mountain was a base camp, a support facility. The nearest place Agent Orange would have been used had to have been many, many miles away.
So, he lied. Curious how many people do that.


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