Thursday, January 13, 2005

Tip Toe Around the Moslems?

One of the most frequently heard worries is that the US will do something to upset the Moslems. That seemed to be the concern in the aid to Indonesia after the terrible earthquake.
I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired of hearing this carrying on!
Why? I do not know a single Moslem--that I know of. I do not have anything against any Moslem--except those who keep killing people in the name of God or those behind all the planes that flew into buildings in the US three years ago to kill, kill, kill--also in the name of God.
So, in my view, it is time to lighten up! It is not time to bow and kow-tow to the Moslems or particularly worry about their feelings when I don't know of a single American who has done anything to any of them--except try to help them. And, that, by the way is always the purpose of American policy regards the Arabs, the Israelis, the Germans, the Japanese, well, you name it. Now, that said, the attempts to help are not always the right way to help, but the intentions are always the same: to help.
So, when it comes back to that concern about Americans upsetting or insulting Moslems or their religion, I am not concerned. It simply does not happen. Anyone who says it does is like Don Quioxte fighting windmills.
So, the time of apologizing to Moslems for what we do has to be in the past. We must still respect them and their relgion, but we should expect them to respect us as Americans--and the religion of those who have one. This should be done not beause they are Moslems and only some Americans are but because we are all humans, and all humans deserve the respect of other human beings.


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