Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Palestinians praise terrorists who kill them!

Just read through a couple of stories about an Israeli tank shell hitting a garden in the Gaza Strip and killing some people picking strawberries. The implication is, of course, the Israelis are terrible for doing such things--and the Palestinian politicians say as much.
Then I read another story that says the Israelis were firing at a spot in the orchard where Palestinian terrorists were launching missles into Israel--with the object of killing Isreaelis. I further read the Palestinian missle launchers were placed in the midst of the farmers. The object, obviously, being to bet the Israelis would not fire at civilians or, if they did, they would be blamed for being terrorists. The actual terrorists who'd drawn the fire and actually killed the farmers would simply fade away.
Similar things happen in Iraq: terrorists hide in mosques, store arms in them, fire from them and even have the support of supposed holy men when they do. They even steal from mosques, as in the case of Najaf last spring. Yet, somehow, in the Arab media theses things are not reported.
These terrorists do the same thing with hospitals--or any place that the rest of the world would regard as off-limits for war.
Yet, the Arab media, the Arab politicians, complain like anything when American or coalition troops respond to shots fired from a mosque or a hospital. Two standards: the holy people of Islam and the "infidels." Strange standards to those of us in the US.
The tendency in the US is to always help the down-trodden. Our country is filled with families who arrived with only hope in their hearts. So, when stories of the lives of refugees in the Gaza Strip and other places around Israel reach our ears, we want to sympathize with them. Yet, when we hear stories like the above and of the Palestinian and Arab politicans and media supporting and encouraging such actions, we cannot sympathize with them because we cannot sympathize with dishonest people. Palestinian terrorists, terrorists in Iraq and the world over are dishonest. Those who support them, including the leading Palestinian and Arab politicians and religious leaders, must be, too.
I see no end to the Arab-Israeli situation--because of the Muslims and Arabs and the terrorists they support. If the terrorists win, the whole world loses.


Blogger CaliValleyGirl said...

Glad to see that you are posting again. Have caught up with your last three posts (I was Internet AWOL for awhile). About the oppression of women in Muslim countries: I read a book called the Bookseller of Kabul. A journalist lived and observed the family of a bookseller in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban. And I was shocked by the oppression of the women in the family. It will take many years for them to get away from that. Women have to ask for permission to do everything from a male family member. This is not the law, it is just society dictating this, and customs are harder to change than laws.
And about the media coverage of "insurgents" in Iraq: it really irks. I mean, you always read headlines like: US soldiers fire on mosque....but never: US soldiers shot at from mosques, and thus return fire.
Well, looking forward to some more posts!

2:26 PM  

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